Imeh Angela Is the Name
I spent most of my time looking as a child-not observing. Just looking. Like when I was a newborn. Nothing is too serious but everything is urgent. No rock left unturned, no inquisitive impulse overthought; For every moment represents a chance to evolve.
This is how I found my first love, dance. From as early as I could remember the complex nature of movement captivated my worldview. The curiosity started internally. With every able-bodied movement, and milestone reached there was a yearning to explore more. Talking, standing, and running quickly turned into hours of plies, grande jetes, and lateral it's starting at the age of 5. I later pursued study at the Ailey School, Alonzo King Lines, and The London Contemporary Dance school. With this my curiosity about movement turned external; interdimensional even. The movement of migration, the movement of water over the earth, the movement of peoples across time. All a dance that I wish to explore.
So here I always find myself. At the corner of dance and anthropology near sociology lane. No matter where in the world I end up. I am constantly submerging myself in different cultures, schools of thought, art styles, and histories to shape my craft. Learning. looking. But now mostly observe enough to be able to let others see what I see.
With passion,
Imeh Angela
“A creative person has to create. It doesn’t really matter what you create. If such a dancer wanted to go out and build the cactus gardens where he could, in Mexico, let him do that, but something that is creative has to go on.”